BRIAN WELCH Pasian ah pianthana nei


American rock star musician lasa minthang khamna theilouva ana kingol sah Heavy metal co founder Brain chu Jesu Christa huhhing pu leh alengpan anakisanin,Jordan vadunga Baptized anachang tai.

Leiset chunga lasa musician minthang khat kahi jeh in,sumleh pai imajouse kanei soh keijin,keidingin avat kiti aumpoi.

Minthangna, sumleh numei jin nopsahna katahsan pehthei jong leh lhagaova ahomkeo athisa kahibouve tin Brain Head Welch in aseijin ahi.

Jesus is the risen Savior.Who came to earth to save the sinners.If Jesus can save abroken, drug addicted and metal slamming man like Brain,then surely don't you think Jesus can save you.

Repent and turn to God.So that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing (anew life) may come from the Lord.-Acts 3:19.